Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just as a quick note:

I got out the swimsuits today so I could wash them and was surprised to discover that Ella not only remembered her swimsuit but remembered what we were supposed to do with it. She cried (for what seemed like forever) while carrying around her swimsuit, hat and the sunscreen.

So, I took her swimming in the tub.

She made us laugh because she had to wear the hat and even pretended to put on the sunscreen. All she needed was Grandpa to take her to the pool!


Danielle said...

Does she really still fit in her swimsuit from last year? That rocks! She looks super cute.

K said...

I love it! Swimming in the pool - great way to avoid the crowds! BTW, why would you even take out the swimsuits to wash them in January... in Ohio?!?

Miss ya! Now, go "drain your brain!"

Love, K

Jenny said...

I love that she was so into the whole experience, with sunscreen and all! I mean, I think Grandpa SHOULD take her to the pool. :)

Sarah D said...

Ella is so cute. Her blue eyes are just fantastic in that picture. Thanks for sharing such a cute moment.