Sunday, March 27, 2011

She's 4 and She's Cute!

My sister (Rayna) and I made this dress for Ella this week. I would have liked to have had a brown sash around the middle and lace at the bottom but when we asked Ella if she was going to wear it and she responded "If it is pretty enough", I figured we would let her accessorize.

I love the way it turned out. It is the perfect mix between my vintage style and Ella's fancy style. She even represented her father by wearing his Simon Business School pin right in the middle of the dress (she makes me laugh). And of course the look was made complete with her Fancy Nancy knee highs.

Isn't in fun to be a four-year-old girl/princess?

Monday, March 14, 2011

What Goes in Must Come Out

Will has learned to crawl and he is extremely excited about it. I on the other hand am feeling overwhelmed with trying to keep the floor clean (it is hard when their hands are now also their feet). I sweep and vacuum the floor daily (I think I have OCD)....but it just doesn't matter because every time I turn around he has found something else to put in his mouth. One nice thing is that I always know when he has something in his mouth that he shouldn't because he starts to giggle (why are children so happy about doing something they know they shouldn't?)

Here is the complete list of everything that I have fished out of his mouth in his first week of crawling:

-one packing peanut
-a penny
-a foil wrapper
-a pink Barbie shoe
-a gold teapot for Barbie
-a Barbie plate
-a tiny teacup for Barbie (notice a theme)
-a small rock
-one princess magnet
-an orange bead

PS...I think it was good for me to make this list because now I see the real reason William is getting things to put in his mouth that he shouldn't.

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's All About the Card

Ella took some pictures with my camera. After looking through them I noticed a theme:

This is Chris's Birthday card from his parents. It plays "Celebrate Good Times, Come On" when it is opened.

And here we have Chris and the card. Are you catching on to the theme yet?

Me and I know you are shocked but that is the card

Will showing off the tasty back of...the card

And now it makes so much more sense that she asked me to take a picture of her and the card. I guess her portfolio is now ready for display.