My friend did this with her kids and I thought it was cute. It is always interesting to get into the mind of a 3 year old.
Questions about me:
Q: What do I say to you the most?
A: "you laugh at me"
Q: What makes me happy?
A: laughing
Q: What makes me sad?
A: "if Daddy be's mean at you"
Q: How old am I?
A: 7
Q: What is my favorite thing to do?
A: "play with me"
Q: What am I really good at?
A: "holding me"
Q: What is my job?
A: "clapping your hands"
Q: What am I not very good at?
A: "not holding me so much"
Q: What is my favorite food?
A: waffles
Q: How do you know I love you?
A "if you tickle me"
Questions about Chris:
Q: What does Daddy say to you the most?
A: "he tickles me"
Q: What makes Daddy happy?
A: "if I help him"
Q: What makes Daddy sad?
A: "Daddy can't be sad, Daddy be's happy all day."
Q: How old is Daddy?
A: "I think he's number 3."
Q: What is Daddy really good at?
A: "cleaning the car"
Q: What is Daddy's job?
A: "getting messy and messy"
Q: What is Daddy not very good at?
A: "changing my clothes"
Q: What is Daddy's favorite food?
A: cereal
Q: How do you know that Daddy loves you?
A: "because he winks his eye"