Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Many Roles of Daddy-O!

Ella and I are so lucky to have Chris in our family!!! He is so hands-on with Ella and treats her like the little princess she is. What more could a little girl want??? I love seeing all the roles that Chris takes on when it comes to Ella. She brings out something different in him that I wanted to share with others.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

La Diva!

Last week I went into my room to hang up clothes and this is what I found. I thought, "Just make yourself comfortable, why don't you?" She thinks she is such a princess!

Also...............Last Sunday I thought I got her all ready for church so I went into the bathroom to put on make-up and do my hair. While I was finishing getting ready, Ella finished too. She put on her tiara, and pearls, then brought me her tutu to make the look complete.

She was devastated that she couldn't wear them to church.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

4 years!!!

Today is Chris and my anniversary!!!! Historically, it is one of my favorite days because I have received really good gifts. Like our first anniversary I got diamond earrings, then the next year I got a diamond journey pendant, and last year Chris took me to the mall and let me pick out lots of new clothes.

While this year has been one to remember. We are totally broke because we haven't been getting paid from Chris's clients. Out of necessity we decided we were going to make it a free anniversary. I was going to make Chris a homemade apple pie (which he would have loved) and he was going to clean the house for me (which I would have loved)....BUT I woke up sick. So, Chris tried to take care of his wife and child while working (which meant he didn't get a lot of work done) and I....well did nothing but sleep and complain.

I think it is good though, it means we have hit the point in our marriage that we don't need things to be elaborate. I mean, how could I not know how much my husband loves me when he is taking care of everything!!! And Chris, of course, is still excited for an apple pie when I start feeling better.

All in all, it has been a good 4 years and I am so happy that Chris married me!!!!!!